Monday, August 15, 2011

Louby Doubies

They symbolize status, fashion, poise. They are as striking as the women who wear them. They are fashion forward and still timelessly chic. They are shoes made by none other than Christian Louboutin.
Known throughout the fashion world and adored by celebrities, these shoes have been featured in countless fashion publications, worn on every runway and have cemented their place in pop culture by their iconic red sole.
In 1992 Christian Louboutin launched his first line of high end shoes in Paris, France. Just 2 years later a boutique is opened in New York as the classic design took off. In the years following, Christian Louboutin has partnered with names like Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, John Paul Gaultier and Givenchy to create shoes that impeccably brand with the fashion houses' creations.
Just recently however, Yves Saint Laurent designed 4 pairs of shoes for their 2011 cruise collection...and these shoes were red, all red...including the sole. Louboutin took the fashion house to court pointing out that the red sole was indeed his branding and that he was in the process of trademarking the red sole. The judge however, ruled that "because in the fashion industry color serves ornamental and aesthetic functions vital to robust competition." the court found that Louboutin was "unlikely to be able to prove that its red outsole brand is entitled to trademark protection, even if it has gained enough protection in the market to have secondary meaning."
In looking at brands that you may represent or products that you have branded, is this a fair judgement?
In an industry and a time where a company will use a competitor's branding to promote their own styles, how is trademarking going to help future designer's branding strategies? Or is it free reign for all and before you know it every woman will be wearing red soled shoes?

Fashion Week

It's coming... grab your bag... oh wait, are you sure you want to carry that one?
Fashion Week. It is synonymous with exclusivity, style and over the top art. FW started in 1943 to draw attention away from the French fashion week and to give American designers a chance to show their work to the public. New York is home to the event twice a year for fashion's insiders and trendsetters so they could sample the new collections of the top designers and relay to consumers what to wear in the coming season.
Fast forward to today. It is an event that hundreds look forward to and follow. It marks the changing of the seasons and most importantly is a great platform to introduce new products to style setters and news makers without investing a lot.
Over the years major brands like American Express, McCafe and most recently Diet Pepsi have introduced new designs and products by becoming a sponsor to the event. Name association alone draws attention but the opportunity for product sampling is what leaves people talking and lets your brand be top of mind.
NYC Fashion Week is a huge scale and if you are not looking for that level there are still plenty of options. Most retail departments stores like Macy's, Bloomingdale's and Saks Fifth Avenue hold their own fashion shows and events you can get involved with as well as local fashion events help in the community near your business. In the end you are reaching an audience that believes spending is always stylish.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

New Products. New Places.

I can remember watching countless shows where the iconic Pepsi can was in the hands of the characters or the numerous times fun and happy families ordered a piping hot, cheesy Pizza Hut pizza loaded with delicious toppings, but lately product placement in television and movies does not jump out in that obnoxious way as it used it.

Better, more clever writing, perhaps... Maybe it is just that we are all so used to consumerism that it has become white noise to us but the fact is, product placement is still there and in all actuality, it is stronger and (according to companies) more important than ever.
With the popularity of DVR and On Demand, people are fast-forwarding through commercials. Companies are not getting the guaranteed airtime and audience they used to be able to count on and are seeking new ways to get their brands name out there.
A new innovative way to incorporate products is beginning to show up in syndicated episodes of popular television shows. The company SeamBI (Seamless Brand Integration) has developed a way to digitally alter new products and brands into old episodes of television shows. The way the content is added does not change or disrupt the show, it only adds the placement where it seems fit. For example, in rerun episodes of the popular show How I Met Your Mother, flat screen TVs and outdoor movie posters were added to select scenes promoting upcoming movies. Once they are put in, the content can be changed to current movies or products.
Another company that is thinking outside of the box to get their brands name to consumer's is Cascadian Farm. In 2010, they were the first company to partner up with Farmville, the online game sensation to produce the first "branded crops". In four days 310 million Cascadian Farm Organic Blueberry crops were digitally planted in the online game with more than 1 million people purchasing the digital crop.
With companies finding new innovative ways to incorporate advertising in media the FCC has begun to revisit the product placement rules, especially pertaining to children's television. Studies how that, as savvy as kids are today, in most cases, they are unaware of the advertising directly aimed at them.
But then again, with creative enough writing, adults may not even know when they're being solicited to, after all how badly did you want a Pizza Hut pizza after reading the opening to this post?